Your WHY needs to be bigger than your BUT


Creating a monthly budget, focusing on eliminating debt, consistently investing, and building wealth are not complicated ideas, but they are difficult to be diligent about.  To succeed, you (and your spouse) need to sit down together in a quiet space and define your WHY. Without that why, there will always a BUT that will try to derail you from your goals:  BUT we need a new car, BUT our house is too small, BUT we deserve a vacation, etc.  Without a well-defined why, the buts of life will win.   

Your why may be that you want to travel more or retire at a younger age or to do more charitable giving or buy your children a house so that they never have any debt.  Imagine what you could do for your children if you no longer had a house payment. Imagine having the ability to retire early and travel the world because you have over a million dollars in your retirement account. These dreams are all possible if you are intentional and focused with your money.  Delaying a purchase today is not saying that you will never purchase that item, it is making the decision that your larger goals are worth more than that purchase.   

Becoming aligned with your significant other about money and how your income will choose to spend your money to reach your dreams, will unexpectedly benefit your relationship in positive ways.  Money problems are the number one cause of fights and divorce in North America.  Money has been identified as being extremely influential in the success or failure and happiness or frustration of a marriage. Money doesn’t have to been an point of contention in a relationship, it can be point of strength. Begin to dream together about your why and lay out a plan to get there. This will unlock conversations and a vision for your future that will bring your relationship closer together.

If you need guidance formulating a plan towards your dream, schedule a free 15-minute consultation today. 

Stay safe and stay well. 


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